I know, I know, boo @ the cheesy title! I thought I’d use this platform to share a neat story that happened to me as I left a client’s office last week. As I headed through the parking lot toward my car, I noticed what I originally thought was a large stone a few yards ahead. As I got closer, I saw that not only did the large stone have eyes but it was moving its head. The large stone was actually a bird sitting in the parking lot watching the world go by. As I got closer, I thought that this little guy might be injured so stooped down and gently put my hand on the ground beside him. He hopped onto my hand and I snapped the above picture while I pondered how one determines if a bird is injured or not. While I thought about this he flew away, making the conclusion a moot point.
So how can I tie this into professional writing and presentation services? Well, I’m not sure if I can directly. However, I can offer that one of the goals of your company blog might be to make you and your company human and likeable.
In the story above, I’m hoping that people see me as a kind, caring possibly-hurt-animal-loving kind of guy. And I’m also hoping that I hit a soft spot with some of the readers of this blog and maybe they’ll like me and my company just that little bit more. And if they like me that little bit more and have professional business writing and presentation needs, maybe they’ll decide to visit our Contact Us page and connect with us.
Your company blog can be used to achieve a great many goals: increasing traffic to your website, showcasing industry expertise and thought leadership, converting blog or website visitors into leads. But your blog can also provide softer benefits, including adding a personal touch to your business and letting your prospects and customers know that there are human beings behind your corporate machine, which may differentiate you from your competition and give you the winning edge.Got something to say? Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you! Got a question that we can address in our blog? Contact us through our website or email me directly and we’ll put our crack team to work and let you know when we post a reply.
Steve Hartley, Managing Partner
Fering Communications Inc.
Website: www.feringcommunications.com
Email: steve.hartley@feringcommunications.com